Library Mayo Vandal Caught

Seeing mistreated books just makes me hurt inside. No, don’t drip ketchup onto that library book! Broken spines, curses! Also, I have a deep loathing for mayonnaise (yes, I realize that many of you think I’m crazy, but I really do find it gross). So reading about the capture of this serial book defiler in Idaho was just painful.

A 74-year-old woman was recently arrested in Boise after being caught pouring a jar of mayonnaise into a library drop box. However, this wasn’t her first act of trying to turn innocent books into lunch – library employees had previously found books covered in corn syrup and ketchup.

This “person of interest in at least 10 other condiment-related crimes” faces a misdemeanor charge of malicious injury to property. Released from jail, she’s back on the streets – so lock up your books! And your mayonnaise!

Those poor, poor books.  What an awful way to go.