It’s cold enough that I’ve been seeing lots of people bundled up lately – and of course, the most enviable scarves and mittens are the homemade kind, particularly when they have a geek’s touch. For those of you thinking of picking up some knitting needles before the sun comes back out, here are a few ideas…
A triforce hat, because it’s dangerous to go alone. Take this! – mehrit CC)
A binary scarf, though only 1 of the 10 types of people in the world can pull it off. – jacqueline-w (CC)
A space invaders scarf, for the video game addict who can’t help but wear their high score around their neck. – vaedri (CC)
And another one, because it’s just kind of cool that this is a common project. – nurd_grrl (CC)
Even though it won’t keep you warm, a knitted dalek, because you know you want to make this pun: EXTERMI-KNIT! – gershamabob (CC)
A dalek hat, because once you make that joke once you’ll really want to keep making it. – jwordsmith (CC)
And finally, no post about geeky knitting would be complete without a shout out for Jayne’s cunning hat. – fling93 (CC)