Carboard cut-outs can be kind of fun as long as they don’t take you by surprise. In my experience, most tend to either be funny or creepy; the following are a little bit of both.
Whereas he appreciates being useful, Spock is fairly certain that this was not in the Science Officer job description. – henkimaa (CC)
Unfortunately the police department was forced to make some budget cut-backs. – brent_nashville (CC)
Speaking of budget cut-backs, Lynda Carter was unavailable. – fatmandy (CC)
These hobbits know that feather boas are Serious Business. – dorkyvegan (CC)
Wookie convention season is, of course, during the holidays. – richevenhouse (CC)
Nicole Richie is surprisingly bad at hide-and-seek. – janet (CC)
Because everyone knows it’s totally creepy to watch TV alone. – george (CC)
They saved a ton of money on convention guests that year. – anthonyjhicks (CC)
He must be really, really uncomfortable in that heat. Maybe he could commiserate with these guys. – mollyeh11 (CC)
And of course, no geek’s collection is complete without the obligatory gold bikini. – 97964364@N00 (CC)