Geeky Valentine’s Gift: Mimobot Flash Drive’s in Love!

By Casey Lynn
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

‘Tis the season for romantic gifts, and having been on the receiving end of plenty of flowers and candy in my life, I have to say that I prefer something a little more practical. Still, it is nice to have a bit of a romantic theme, so here’s one suggestion:


It’s the Pink Meletta designer USB flash drive from Mimobot, a neat company that figured out that a lot of people like gadgets that are, well, cute. I for one use flash drives constantly because on any given day, I might use three different computers but be working on the same document. Also, I lose things, so being able to hook it to my keychain is a definite plus.

And the reason I think this one is particularly appropriate for Valentine’s Day is that it also has a love story attached to it. Mimobot drives come with preloaded content–graphics, sounds and video. This one has a short cartoon: “Meletta is in LOVE! Someone snuck past that monkey on her head and gave her a kiss, and now she’s blushing pink and black!”


My additional suggestion in regards to thumb drives as gifts: Add your own content! It might seem cheesy, but some girls (and guys, I assume!) like cheesy. After all, if you’ve ever seen (or read) High Fidelity, you know that a mix tape is the ultimate expression of love–so why not load up a cute flash drive with your favorite MP3s?

P.S. If your significant other isn’t the cute monkey type, Star Wars is always a good option. I kind of want the Princess Leia one.

Also, if you don’t like this idea (or even if you do), stay tuned to [GAS] in the next few days for a more extensive Valentine’s Geek Gift Guide!