Monty Python launches official YouTube channel

By Mark O’Neill
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

Claiming to be tired of all the rip off Monty Python videos uploaded to YouTube over the years, the Monty Python members have decided to put a stop to it once and for all – by uploading the clips themselves.

They have created their own YouTube channel and they will be gradually uploading as much material as possible for free – but they are asking that users then click on the page links to buy their shows on DVD.   Obviously this is not obligatory but it would be nice.

Prepare to see world work productivity plummet as people tune in to watch Monty Python videos!   I for one am having problems concentrating today!

Why can’t all entertainers and TV studios have this refreshing approach to YouTube and video uploading? Instead of getting the RIAA on people and taking them to court, why not accept that YouTube and video uploading is here to stay? Why not embrace YouTube and the internet and do what Monty Python is doing? Set up their own user account, upload their own clips and invite people to click on links to buy merchandise?

Below is the official Python announcement video for the new YouTube channel and also one of the new clips that they have uploaded – the classic “Argument Clinic”.