Priest forced to cancel online nuns beauty contest

By Mark O’Neill
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

An Italian priest who was planning an online beauty contest for nuns has been forced to cancel after saying he was “misunderstood” about the whole venture.

Father Antonio Rungi had set up a blog (which now seems to have been taken down) and it was his original intention to have the nuns on the blog who could then be voted on, based on attributes such as “spirituality, social awareness, charity and other qualities”.    No word on what those “other qualities” would have been but since the nuns would have been fully clothed, it wouldn’t have been on their ‘physical attributes’.

But his superiors were not happy.   His concept appeared in newspapers all over the world as “Sister Italy 2008” and he was told to shut the plan down.

Such a pity.  It would have been interesting to see if any of them were as stupid as Miss South Carolina :

No nuns on catwalk, priest stops “beauty contest” – Reuters