Brush up on your X Files in time for the movie

By Mark O’Neill
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

It’s been ten years since the last X Files movie and six since the last TV programme.   So you might want to do a bit of reading up on the cult sci-fi series in time for the release of the next movie which comes out either this month or next month (depending on where you live).   I mean, can you still remember everything and everyone from the series six years ago? has put together a few links of fan websites where you can brush up on your X Files knowledge.   It includes a Mythology Guide, a Lone Gunman timeline, episode guides and much more.

It’s fan sites like that which make you realize the value of the Internet.   Now I’m off to cover the windows with tinfoil (to stop the government from listening in), check my skin for alien microchip tracking devices and then put on some popcorn and start listening to my X-Files DVD box sets!

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