By Mark O’Neill
Contributing Writer, [GAS]
When Google revised the PageRanks recently, my blog got bumped up to a 6 and that has got me thinking about starting to sell some advertising space. But if I was being truthful with myself for a moment, I would admit that I am a really lazy person sometimes. The idea of managing the adverts, making sure everyone got equal time on the page and so on is just so boring and tedious. I would much rather be surfing the Internet and writing stories. So if I went down the blog advertising route, I would much rather automate the whole process and then not think about it.
I think I may have found the answer in the WordPress plugin UBD Block Ad.
This plugin basically automates the whole advertising process if the advert in question is a 125×125 box. First it will help you with a variety of design layouts and will format up to 10 adverts at a time.
But the killer function (in my view) is that it will automatically rotate those ads so each advertiser gets an equal amount of time on the page.
So everything is fully automated and the only thing you have to do is to enter the code for each of your ads inside the UBD setup page. That’s it! Plus it’s free!
So if you want to experiment with 125×125 ads, just download the plugin and give it a go.