Free e-Book: Vulnerability Management for Dummies

vulnerability managementHere’s another freebie for you folks. An absolutely amazing 66-page security eBook named “Vulnerability Management for Dummies”.

Vulnerability Management for Dummies will arm you with the facts and show you how to implement a successful Vulnerability Management program in your environment. Whether your network consists of just a handful of computers or thousands of servers distributed around the world, this book will help:

  • Explain the critical need for Vulnerability Management (VM)
  • Detail the essential best-practice steps of a successful VM Program
  • Outline the various VM Solutions – including the pros & cons of each
  • Provide a 10-point checklist for removing vulnerabilities from your key resources

Please note that this comes directly from Qualys, one of the most respectable and well-known vulnerability management company in the world.

Vulnerability Management for Dummies (U.S. and Canada only!)