Steve Jobs: The $1 Man

Poor, poor Steve Jobs. In 2008, Apple’s CEO will continue to receive his third-world-like salary of $1. The worst part of this is that once again, he will not receive a raise this year. The only compensation he’ll get is a few shares of his beloved corporation, currently priced at $140 a piece.

Since Apple is afraid that Jobs will go looking for greener pastures, they have generously offered him a bit of help here and there when he has needed it the most. In 2000, they offered him a private jet valued at approximately $90 million. In 2007, the firm reimbursed over $770,000 in expenses related to the jet.

That said, you can’t deny that Jobs is a very poor man. The only thing he gets out of his job are shares of the company, which incidentally, are now worth a measly $768 million.

Being that destitute must be very hard on the man.