Ryan Reynolds Revisits His Vasectomy Cocktail for Father’s Day: The Deadpool Edition

Vasectomy Cocktail: Deadpool Edition

Looking to mix a delicious cocktail for the father (or fathers) in your life next weekend? Check out this revisited version of Ryan Reynolds’ vasectomy cocktail, crafted specially for Father’s Day and the release of Deadpool & Wolverine.

Vasectomy Cocktail

Our favorite Canadian export (besides maple syrup and polite apologies) naturally uses Aviation Gin for this masterpiece. But hold onto your chimichangas, folks, because this isn’t just any Aviation Gin; it’s the new Deadpool variant! Part of the Deadpool Ginematic Universe, this gin promises to be as sharp as Wade Wilson’s wit and as smooth as his healing factor. Sadly, it’s not available in Canada, else I’d totally get a bottle or two.

And in true Reynolds fashion, he also uses his wife’s “Betty Buzz” tonic water for the cocktail. Because what’s a superhero-themed vasectomy cocktail without a splash of your wife’s tonic water? Oh the surprise!

So, this Father’s Day, why not honor the dad in your life with a drink that says, “Thanks for everything, Dad. Enjoy this while thinking about how you’ll never have another me!”

Cheers to Ryan Reynolds for making fatherhood as hilarious and intoxicating as his movies… apart from Green Lantern, of course.

The Vasectomy Cocktail: Deadpool Edition Recipe

  1. Add 1oz. of cranberry juice to an ice-filled glass.
  2. Add 3oz. of Betty Buzz tonic.
  3. Add a dash of lemon juice.
  4. Add 1 1/2oz. of Aviation American Gin (Regular or Deadpool versions work).

Happy Father’s Day! #VasectomyCheers

Obligatory disclaimer because of Blake Lively’s tonic water being on Amazon and me linking it with my affiliate tag: Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.