Marvel Plans to Release One Sequel, One Franchise Every Year

Back in March, we brought you the  news that Sony Pictures would release a Spider-Man or Spidey-themed movie every year.

Now, Marvel is planning  to “release one sequel and one new franchise each year,” beginning with Guardians of the Galaxy, JoBlo reports.


Kevin Feige, the head of Marvel Studios, revealed the plan in an interview with IGN on Monday:

[Guardians of the Galaxy] fulfilled our desire to do something different. To start producing, each year, a film that was the sequel to a pre-existing, successful franchise and do something new. We’re doing that next year with Age of Ultron, with Ant-Man, and hope to maybe continue that model in the coming years.

So, let’s see: There’s Guardians (and probably a Guardians sequel), Avengers 2 and Avengers 3, Thor 3, Captain America 3, and Doctor Strange  — and those are just the ones we know of for sure.