Batman: Arkham City’s Newest Trailer [Video]

Coulrophobics, be warned — Batman: Arkham City was designed to keep you from ever sleeping again.

Every time a new trailer comes out, I get a little more terrified and a lot more excited about this game. I hate clowns with every particle of my being; The Joker is always scary (though arguably more so here) and Mr. Hammer looks like a ‘roid-raging Sweet Tooth, but I cannot wait to play Arkham City. And the best part is that this creepy-as-hell New Joker isn’t even the primary villain. That would be Dr. Hugo Strange, who is going to have to be unconditionally evil and scarier than a giant sledge-wielding clown to top the list of things that keep me awake. Good luck, I say.

Batman: Arkham City launches Oct 18, but it’s ok to get excited right now if you want.
