Pottermore Promises More Potter, Cowbell

If seven books and eight films (and untold thousands of pages of fanfic) aren’t quite enough Harry Potter for you, then you’re in luck. Pottermore, the site announced by JK Rowling yesterday morning, promises a lot to Potterheads: the series will be available in ebook and digital audio formats for the first time ever; the free site will be “shaped by readers” in some as-yet-unexplained way; previously unreleased information about the Potterverse, short stories and probably exclusive Pottermore merchandise will be available through Pottermore.com. Aside from that, it’s all still rather hazy, but the tease is enough to keep fans anticipating the site’s official launch in October. Watch for update regarding the July 31st entry for a million lucky early subscribers, who will get to check out Pottermore on Harry’s birthday.


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