Neil Gaiman Facts

Jim Hines is a fantasy writer who writes about goblins and princesses. Neil Gaiman is, of course, famous for writing awesome comic books and creepy stories and a blog before it was super trendy. Oh, and Chuck Norris is a guy who spawned a list of facts and has another fist under his beard.

Apparently Hines considers Gaiman the Chuck Norris of the writing world, which is probably not entirely inaccurate. But he wrote 20 Neil Gaiman Facts, many of which made me crack up:

  • Neil Gaiman once wrote a Nebula-winning story using only the middle row of his keyboard.
  • Most agents charge a 15% commission. Neil Gaiman’s agent pays him an extra 15% for the privilege of saying “I’m Neil Gaiman’s agent.”
  • Some authors write in omniscient point of view. Neil Gaiman lives it.
  • Neil Gaiman has never written a deus ex machina ending. However, God once wrote a Gaiman ex machina ending.

I would add a few of my own:

  • One of Neil Gaiman’s words is worth a thousand pictures.
  • Sandman is based on a true story; Neil Gaiman writes your dreams.
  • Neil Gaiman hides under his monsters’ beds.
  • Neil Gaiman can write a haiku in one syllable.
  • Neil Gaiman just plays Tetris with his writer’s blocks.
  • They say writers should write what they know, but the best ones write what Neil Gaiman knows.
  • Chuck Norris is actually a draft of one of Neil Gaiman’s short stories.

Is there anyone else that you think deserves their own facts?  William Shatner, maybe?  I hear he saves on travel because he can just create wormholes with his mind.

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