It’s a new year, and chances are that at least some of you have made a resolution to avoid fast food or red meat. Burger King knows this, and they’re apparently seeking to head off this mass migration towards healthiness by offering an alternative resolution: delete 10 of your Facebook friends instead, and they’ll give you a free Whopper. You know that in the throes of your Web 2.0 addiction you’ve accepted way too many friend requests — and now is the time to trim the fat, as it were.
Burger King has created a Facebook application called Whopper Sacrifice. Install the app, then delete 10 friends — and Burger King will send you a coupon for a free Whopper! It’s easy! Um, except that the Flash app crashes in Google Chrome (for me, anyway). Oh well, I couldn’t think of ten friends that I wanted to burn anyway — yes, I’ve been a good social media boy.
As of this writing, over 9000 friends have been sacrificed, according to Burger King’s site.
You’re limited to one coupon per person, so you have to weigh the loss of ten friends against only one Whopper. What am I saying?! Who wouldn’t kill ten friends for a Whopper? I wonder if you can uninstall the app after you get your coupon, and then refriend those people? Of course, in the mean time they get to see just how much you love them: your activity feed says “<user> sacrificed <supposed friend> for a free Whopper.” Just see if they’ll accept your friend request after receiving that gut punch — or should I say “paunch”: a Whopper sans cheese has 40 grams of fat (1.5 of which are trans fats), 51 grams of carbs, and a “whopping” 680 calories.