TokyoFlash Watches Giveaway: And the winners are…

Melinda Seckington and Karl Gechlik!

Melinda won the TokyoFlash Tibida and Karl the S-Mode Oberon. Congratulations to you both! I will be sending the watches via snailmail in the following week, so I guess you can expect them at your door in 5 to 10 days.

TibidaS-Mode Oberon

If you still want one of the many cool watches Tokyoflash offers, don’t forget about the coupon code we provided at the end of our review post. When placing an order, just enter this code (GAS12) on the coupon code field of the order page and you’ll get a 1000 Yen ($9.30) discount. A big thank you to everyone who participated!

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